Camouflaj News

Batman: Arkham Shadow Story Trailer Released

Hopefully you tuned into Summer Game Fest today for the reveal of the new Batman: Arkham Shadow trailer—but if not, don’t worry. You can find the new trailer below.

As revealed back on May 1, Batman: Arkham Shadow is a Meta Quest 3 exclusive developed by Camouflaj and Oculus Studios, in partnership with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC. Having already teased the game last month, we're now ready to share additional new details.

Batman: Arkham Shadow is an official new entry in the Batman: Arkham franchise, featuring the same blend of exploration, stealth, and free-flowing combat the series is known for. The only difference? You are Batman. Don the cape and cowl of the World's Greatest Detective, glide from rooftop to rooftop, and strike fear into Gotham City's criminal underworld.

Check out the full announcement on the Meta Quest blog!


It’s finally here! RÉPUBLIQUE VR is now available for Samsung Gear VR and the all-new Oculus Go. We are thrilled to be releasing this reimagining of RÉPUBLIQUE, not just for VR enthusiasts, but for loyal fans of the original. Much like the PS4 version, RÉPUBLIQUE VR began as a hacky prototype that morphed into eighteen-month […]

A New RÉPUBLIQUE Soundtrack, Now on Vinyl

Camouflaj has partnered with Brave Wave to release an all-new edition of the RÉPUBLIQUE soundtrack. It sounds great on CD, iTunes, and streaming services, but there’s no better way to celebrate RÉPUBLIQUE‘s futurist narrative than last last (last) generation’s classic medium, vinyl! The CD and digital versions contain twenty-five tracks, and we’ve selected fifteen [...]

“A Memory of Fire”

Many different genres inspired République’s atmosphere, survival horror and stealth most of all. We make meaningful games, but we’re their students as well. Whether you’re making games, movies, or literary art, the creative process always involves understanding what other examples get right. In the pursuit of thoughtful, well-informed craft, Producer and Narrative Designer James Howell […]

Retronauts at PRGE: Behind the Scenes of Metal Gear

Ryan and James talked about their work on the Metal Gear Solid series with Retronauts hosts Bob Mackey and Jeremy Parish at the 2017 Portland Retro Gaming Expo. They discussed Metal Gear Solid 4’s development, MGS: Portable Ops, the mystique of Kojima Productions, and James’s freelance and critical writing about the series. If you’re a fan of this amazing series and […]

République Profile | Fred Cooper

Everybody loves Fred Cooper, Metamorphosis’s resident IT expert and Hope’s accomplice. We receive a lot of questions about his character background and behind-the-scenes development, and République writer Brendan Murphy answers the most frequently asked questions about Cooper. Q: How did Cooper’s character grow over the course of development? Murphy: Cooper evolved during the development [...]

The Manifesto: Form and Function

This is James Howell, author of the République Manifesto, and I’d like to offer insight into the relationship between the Manifesto and the game itself. I typically believe that writing should be represented only by itself, so I avoid anything resembling an artist’s statement; however, République has always had a public element that most art does not, so I am […]

République Profile | Vice Admiral Matthews and the Five Eyes

Vice Admiral Matthews appears in the margins of République‘s story, but he plays a tremendous role in the object of the Overseer’s ambition—The Arrival. He shows up briefly at the end, opens a can of narrative worms, and then departs with the rest of the cast as Episode 5 closes. République writer Brendan Murphy gives more background […]

République Profile | Mattie Sade

Mattie Sade, the Overseer’s in-house propagandist, only meets Hope in Episode 3, but she makes up in mystery what she lacks in screen-time. République writer Brendan Murphy answered some fans’ questions about Mattie’s origins and background. Q: What was the inspiration behind Mattie Sade? Murphy: For République, we wanted a journalist who represented the state—someone whose [...]

République Profile | Mammoth

République packs its story (often literally) into every nook and shadow, but, for many fans, the unpacking only builds curiosity further. In particular, people want to know more about Mammoth, the oversized groundskeeper who hunts “Hope” in Episode 4. République’s writer, Brendan Murphy, sat down to answer some of the most popular questions about the brute. Q: […]

The Overseer’s PYRAMID Proposal and The Arrival

Many République fans have asked about the mysterious event referred to in the game as “The Arrival.” The game hints at The Arrival’s purpose without direct exposition, but we also elaborated upon it in “Kill Your Internet,” the République ARG. ARG players discovered four documents that brought the Overseer’s thinking to light: two briefs to the Department of Defense […]

Kill Your Internet

Just before République released, producer Aaron Whiting spearheaded “Kill Your Internet,” an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) set in République’s universe. Through the game, players learn more about Metamorphosis than the Overseer would like, uncovering documents related to the mysterious Arrival. Some veered away from the ARG given its rough appearance, but we assure you, the design is an [...]